I love my time in the wilderness. Sometimes, I enjoy the challenge of a hard trip, either physically challenging, a test of outdoor skills, a mental challenge, or a little of all of those challenges. I've undertaken some adventures that other people might think to be extreme: backpacking in remote mountainous areas, camping in Alaska's grizzly-infested backcountry, sleeping out on Minnesota's coldest Winter nights, standing up in a canoe and poling through rapids, and bare bones wilderness survival courses.
At the same time, I don't consider myself a thrill seeker, and I put a lot of thought into risk management, so there are some activities that just don't appeal to me: free climbing, shooting off waterfalls in a kayak, and backpacking with a toddler!
We do have a lot of fun getting out for a paddle (even though those paddles are usually pretty short!).
What Works for Thee May Not Work for Me
I've been following a Facebook group on backpacking with babies and toddlers for awhile. Some people in that group have some really good tips, and I love seeing parents enthusiastic about getting their kids in the outdoors...BUT, I also see trip reports that don't look like much fun at all. Every kid is different though, so what works for one family may not work at all for another family. Also, just because our boy loves being outside doesn’t mean I’m going to jump at the chance to take him on a multi-day backpacking or canoeing trip—yet. He is a non-stop handful, operating on "11" any second he's not asleep. It takes loads of energy just to pack and manage him on a weekend cabin trip, so, until recently, the idea of backpacking or canoeing with him for days on end exhausted me just thinking about it! However, as he's grown and gotten better at following instructions, I think we're getting close to packing up and taking those next steps along the trail.
Baby Steps
To get my son excited about the outdoors, I started out with some relatively easy adventures. We regularly paddle the lakes and go for day hikes in the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park (RCCL), which is not only easily doable, but also enjoyable for both me and my tiny trail mate. If you're in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, the RCCL is a fantastic option for a quick outdoor getaway. It's a 5,000-acre preserve that gives you the option to walk through prairies and forest, paddle around multiple lakes, and hike miles on dirt and paved trails.
The little guy and I have covered surprisingly rough terrain using his Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon, and it works well for hauling extra supplies, food, and drink. We prefer trekking in the Radio Flyer over his “off-road” stroller. On Winter days, I put some padding on his seat for insulation, cover his lap with a blanket, and make a hot water bottle for him to hold between his legs. We make frequent stops to get out, collect sticks, throw rocks in the water, and practice our bushcraft skills (I don't think there are too many other first-world toddlers who have successfully "helped" create bow-drill fires! #DadBrag).

Worth the Work
So why go backpacking with a baby or toddler? Well, when the time, place, skills, and preparation are right for a successful trip, the reasons are many:
Getting kids away from screens and into the fresh air
Forcing kids to be creative and find new fun in an outdoor environment with limitless options
Teaching them safety and self-sufficiency
Introducing them to outdoor skills that have helped people survive since the beginning of time
Helping them understand and appreciate the outdoors and all Mother Nature has to offer
The gift of appreciation for the outdoors really is priceless, and it’s one I’m excited to pass on to my son, so I know the time and effort put into our outdoor outings will one day be worth it.
Until then, we’ll keep pushing the current limits of our outdoor adventures until we get to full-fledged backpacking and canoe camping.
More Resources
If you are interested in getting outdoors with your toddler, Alaska Public Radio's, Outdoor Explorer (a favorite podcast of mine) recently had an excellent podcast episode loaded with solid advice on backpacking with babies.
I'd love to hear your (success or horror) stories about getting outdoors with toddlers in the comments! Maybe it'll help us decide it's time to hit the trails for our first backpacking trip...maybe.
Looking for an outdoor adventure that isn't the Boundary Waters (BWCAW)? Check out six of our favorite upper Great Lakes region canoe camping destinations!